worry free baby skincare

about anise: a story of two moms

our story

Anise skincare was started with the intention of providing a natural alternative to skincare that was effective and safe to use on our precious children, rather than chemically laden products that are available in the market today. We chose the highest quality ingredients and with our team of formulators and external testing agencies, transformed them into healing skincare products that you can trust and depend on.

who we are

The idea of Anise skincare was conceived by two moms, Lakshmi and Bindiya, who when they couldn’t find suitable skincare products for their own children’s sensitive and atopic skin types, decided to start their own range that would look more specifically into what a child’s skin needed and do so in a natural fashion. For this purpose, they teamed up with expert formulators, certified ingredient suppliers, ISO certified manufacturers and got all their products independently tested by a dermatological testing agency and by Safe Cosmetics Australia (SCA). Each product you buy from Anise therefore comes with the guarantee that they are Made Safe, Australian safe cosmetics and Allergy certified, and dermatologically tested, non toxic and non irritant.

  • Love for our children

    We will always remember that our sole purpose at Anise is to protect our families from any harmful components in their skincare. Our two guiding forces are, the love for our children and respect for the healing powers of nature, and we will always strive to combine the two to make high quality products that are effective and natural.

  • Natural, gentle, safe

    We will try to keep achieving the highest quality in our products and make sure that they are natural, gentle, safe and highly effective.

  • Testing and safety

    We will test our products only on volunteering human subjects and never on animals. Again, these subjects will be tested by dermatologists and testing agencies and labs that are well experienced in this process.

  • Highest quality ingredients

    We will do our best to be diligent in choosing our ingredients, our suppliers, our packaging and our manufacturers to achieve overall quality.

  • Provide information for you to make the right choice

    We will try and provide information through our website and social media pages about our products and the ingredients chosen for the same so that you can make an empowered and educated choice for your family’s skincare needs.

  • Our Definition

    To us, a ‘natural ingredient’ is one that has its origins from a natural renewable source in nature like coconuts, hibiscus, aloe etc. A ‘nature derived ingredient’ on the other hand, means its origins are from a natural source but it needed to be processed to be usable in the formulation. A ‘synthetic ingredient’ is one that does not have its origins from and is not derived from a natural source and is extensively processed before becoming the ingredient.

  • Our use of ingredients

    At Anise, we try formulating with natural or nature derived ingredients for the most part. We do use certain synthetic ingredients (marked out in our packaging so that you can make an informed decision) but rest assured that supreme care is taken that it is used only to a very very small, harmless and toxic free percentage and only used in cases where a natural ingredient was not available or effective enough for the job.

  • Ingredients

    Anise procures its ingredients only from a select list of trusted and certified suppliers who derive their ingredients maintaining strict standards on how they maintain their fields, cultivate their herbs and fields and extract their oils and essential oils.

  • Stability testing

    Once a certified formulating team make the recipe for the product based on the expected requirement for the same, this product undergoes a long stability and microbiology test.

  • FDA Certification

    This product goes for further testing and certification with the FDA, dermatologists and testing agencies to check it for its non toxic and non irritant qualities.

  • Safe Cosmetics Australia

    It is then sent to an Australian certifying agency so that it passes ‘Safe Cosmetics Australia’s’ and ‘Made Safe’ strict quality standards.

    Click here to read more about their testing process.

  • Made Safe

    Each product you buy from Anise is now therefore Made Safe, Australian safe cosmetics and Allergy certified, and dermatologically tested, non toxic and non irritant.

  • ISO manufacturing

    We didn’t stop there though. We also made sure that these products are manufactured, labelled and packed in an FDA approved, ISO certified plant to ensure product quality and integrity in every step of the process.

about our products

Anise products are manufactured in an FDA approved, ISO certified manufacturing unit to ensure product quality and integrity. Every formulation is non irritant and dermatologically tested to minimise the risk of allergic reaction and to be considered safe for our children’s sensitive skin. In the ingredients section, we have included reasons as to why each was considered essential for the formulation as well, so that you may make an informed choice.

Further, on our labels, we have clearly identified the natural and the synthetic ingredients used (in regular and italic fonts respectively) allowing you, the customer, to see just how green and natural our offerings are.

Safe Cosmetics Australia:

We are a proud certified member of Safe cosmetics Australia, Made Safe, and Organic beauty brands and actively support clean cosmetics and the toxin free campaign started by these prestigious organisations.

continue the discussion

At present, we offer a complete care line for children, but we intend to keep researching and introduce new products for parents as well, so keep in touch with us to be the first to know what we are developing.

